Saturday, October 25, 2014


As I watched the movie “M” there was one scene that stood out to me the most.  I chose this scene because it was a scene that could be compared to today in time.  Although the movie took place in the 1930’s, it allowed me to compare and contrast from then to now.  The scene I chose was the bar scene.  In this scene, we see a large amount of people together drinking and socializing; worry free for the moment having a good time.  Until the police come in, stop the party and violate everyone’s rights by conducting an illegal search and asking everyone for I.D.  This was an interesting scene to me because it showed the power police had even back then.  Analyzing the scene did not leave me in an opened minded state, reason being, what child or kidnapper would be at a bar socializing with a world that is currently looking for him or her?  What are the chances of either one of them being in that bar?  I interpreted this scene as a scene that shows how law enforcement can do as they please, especially when it makes a specific community nervous.  Although the violating of rights occurred in this movie, it was an important scene.  Reason being, the police were hard at work.  And while hard at work trying to solve a specific crime, the police were lucky finding another criminal by accident. 
All in all, the police search was wrong doing, but we must admit, it does generate a sense of safety within people.  We may not all agree, but one thing is for sure, had the police been on their job from the beginning maybe that little girl would not have been taken away and murdered.  We can also place blame on the parents as well.  Just like the mother said at the end of the movie, “We too should keep a closer eye on our children.”  Parents must clutch their children just a little tighter.  Look after them a little longer.  Then perhaps things like abductions and murders would decline. 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Society Homophobia

Reading the article Society Homophobia was interesting.  It showed how homosexuality was never as open as it is in today’s time.  Certain acts committed would be punishable by law. Meaning certain sexual acts were so illegal that if caught one could even be deadly punished.  It was totally unacceptable behavior, but we notice that this was during the rise of Hitler.   How it relates to the lecture is by simply one reason mentioned in the lecture…free will.  By not embracing the lifestyle, they were punishing the person’s preference, not allowing free will to run its course.  This is why singers in those days would perform not only men bashing type of songs, but would also dress in men’s suits and smoke cigarettes; giving the illusion of a woman being comfortable in their space. 

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Cabaret Songs

Today I had the opportunity to listen to two cabaret songs. One was “It’s All Swindle” by Mischa Spoliansky and Marcellus Schiffer, and the other song was “Chuck Out the Men” by Friedrich Hollaender.  Both these songs had messages in then, but the interesting thing about them is the years they were recorded.  The first song was recorded in 1931 but the second song was recorded first in 1926.  The first song, “It’s All Swindle” was a song that had an ongoing message that can be compared with today’s times.  The beginning lyrics, although translated into English, one can still relate to what the speaker is saying.  I chose these four lines of the first verse because it stood out the most to me.   
Nowadays the world is rotten

honesty has been forgotten

fall in love but after kissing --

check your purse to see what's missing

und sogar der kleine Hund!

Und besieht man’s aus der Nähe:

Jedes Band und
jede Ehe
jeder Kub in dern Betriebe

These four lines indicate that certain people can become your best friend then turn into your worst enemy.  Throughout the song, the lyrics showed how even family can turn against you, but just like the second line that I chose say, “honesty has been forgotten.” 

The second song, “Chuck Out the Men” was also an intriguing song.  In my opinion, I believe this song to be a male bashing type of song, so the ladies will love it.   

As babies men all howl and bluster they cry through the night and the day

perfecting the techniques they'll muster for the times when they don't get their way

Es liegn in der Wiege und brüllen

die zukünft’gen Männer ganz klein.

As I listened to this song, following the lyrics, I thought these lyrics stood out the most to me.  These lyrics in my opinion state the obvious reality of a grown man-child.  Looking at the title of the song, “Chuck Out the Men” it shows how men, or good men are hard to come by.  Or, perhaps it is must an opinion of one singer and her past relationships.  All in all, the singer is still placing men in a category where it looks as if all men are one way.  She sings “as babies men all howl and bluster” meaning that men all cry like children when something is not going their way or men just are big babies howling for something they want.  I end my blog with a comment…as a man; I am offended at these lyrics.